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St Estevam Island

In Goa's Tiswadi taluka, St Estevam Island, or Santo Estevao, is a hidden gem that whispers tales of a bygone era. This tiny estuarine islet, nestled between the Mandovi and Zuari rivers, is a world of its own, earning the affectionate moniker 'Šākêc...

St Estevam Island

Families, nature lovers, history buffs.

November to February for pleasant weather.

4.7 (1567)

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How to get there

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History and Cultural Influence

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Tips for Visitors

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Do’s and Don’ts

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Visitor Reviews

star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4
4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

Beautiful, peaceful island with lush greenery. The St. Estevam Church is a must-visit for its stunning architecture. Great place for a quiet day trip away from the busy beaches.

5.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Amazing Service

This church breathes the living Christ to much devotion, hope, charity...the friars touch my heart and soul as men dedicated to living God's will with every fibre of their being. I took a course in bereavement here that greatly exceeded my expectation and was superbly helpful. Confession is so available, easy to walk in and sit down, unlike some churches where you need to make an appointment. And I love that homeless people and immigrants know they can come here and be welcomed, fed, helped.

3.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Average Service

Nice place but limited attractions. The island is beautiful and quiet, but there's not much to do besides visiting the church and walking around. Could use better transportation options.

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