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Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary

Tucked away in the lush heart of North Goa, the Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary is a hidden gem that whispers secrets of the wild to those who venture close. Nestled in the Sattari taluka, about 52 kilometers from the bustling capital of Panaji, this sanct...

Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary

Nature lovers, adventure seekers, and families.

November to March for pleasant weather.

4.7 (2234)

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How to get there

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History and Cultural Influence

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Tips for Visitors

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Do’s and Don’ts

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Visitor Reviews

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4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

Water Fall Paradise. Mhadei hosts a lot of waterfalls, a few of them are popular and a lot others are only known to locals. A couple of waterfalls have water throughout the year but not all. As a wildlife sanctuary too, it's a serene and calm place to visit but you may not always spot some exotic animal.

4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

Too Beautiful! Full of misty mountains and seasonal waterfalls/springs throughout the road. As the roads are well built and wide, one can easily stop by to enjoy the view. Chorla ghat is one of the best parts of the journey through the sanctuary.

5.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Amazing Service

Nature at its best. It's really a wild place to be. Nature lovers' paradise. You will get to see wild animals. Stay options can be limited.

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