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Dudhsagar Falls

Imagine a place where the heavens seem to pour down a sea of milk, cascading through the lush green canopy of the Western Ghats. Welcome to Dudhsagar Falls, one of Goa's most breathtaking natural wonders. Located about 60 kilometers from Panaji, this...

Dudhsagar Falls

Adventure seekers and nature lovers.

Monsoon and post-monsoon for peak flow.

4.9 (32456)

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How to get there

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History and Cultural Influence

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Tips for Visitors

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Do’s and Don’ts

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Visitor Reviews

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4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

An adventurous bumpy Jeep ride leads you to these spectacular falls plunging into a pool where you can swim with giant carp.

4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

Well worth a visit. You get to the town and then get a jeep. A 30 minute Jeep ride over tough terrain will get you half way up the hill. Then it's a 20 mins walk which is dangerous over rocks.

4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

The view from the peak of the falls is breathtaking. The falls look even better at magical light of dawn.

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