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Curdi Caves

Imagine a place that emerges from the depths of a reservoir like a ghostly apparition, only to vanish again as the monsoon rains return. Welcome to Curdi, a village in Sanguem, Goa, that plays a mesmerizing game of hide and seek with the seasons. Eve...

Curdi Caves

History buffs, nature lovers, adventure seekers.

Visit in April-May for optimal access.

4.5 (1432)

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How to get there

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History and Cultural Influence

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Tips for Visitors

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Do’s and Don’ts

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Visitor Reviews

star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4
5.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Amazing Service

The land of Curdi - a barren stretch of land hiding away some secrets - is definitely worth exploring. This village was introduced to us by the local and our ambassadors Zahur & Jadon beautifully. This trip entailed so many elements - right from discovering some stories lost in time by the ambassadors to a kick of Kokum to a splash of freshwater at a farm to a plate of delicious food. This experience was definitely value for money!

4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

The sanctuary offers scenic hiking trails for exploring the area, and the forest is lush green and well-maintained.

4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

The caves are now submerged/inaccessible!

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