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Batim Lake

Batim Lake is a hidden gem that whispers tales of natural beauty and spiritual significance. Nestled in the quaint village of Batim, this lake is a paradise for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. As you meander through the village, the soft rustle ...

Batim Lake

Nature lovers and birdwatching enthusiasts.

Winter for clear skies and birdwatching.

4.3 (987)

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How to get there

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History and Cultural Influence

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Tips for Visitors

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Do’s and Don’ts

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Visitor Reviews

star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4
4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

A picturesque lake surrounded by lush greenery. Great spot for boating and enjoying nature.

5.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Amazing Service

A hidden gem in Goa. The spring water is refreshing and the area around it is perfect for relaxation.

4.0star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4star w-[16px] h-4

Good Service

A hidden gem in Goa. The lake and its surroundings are well-maintained and offer a serene atmosphere.

Nearby Attraction
